Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Four (4) Reasons I Love Teaching Preschool

Kids are awesome.  They say cool stuff like "My baby brother is still in my mommy's tummy but when he comes out, I'm going to name him Banana Pants Ninja."  They wear cute clothes and their minds make the craziest zaniest connections and they say basically everything they think.  They're the best.

Preschooler and I both thrive with set routines.  I like that after nap time, every day, I prepare their snack and get their water bottles sorted out.  I like that before lunch, I set their cots out.  I know, more or less, what each day will be like and while I'm able to go with the flow, I like having the regularity.

I fucking love field trips.

It's nice to know that I'm helping build the foundation of their education.  We're teaching them the basics they need to become people.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

For the past week, I've been trying to motivate myself to run again and it has been...difficult.

Reason 1: I am terrified of further injuring my knee.
This is a valid fear and should be a detriment to running at all but, despite all my dithering, I love to run and I am quite keen to get back into it.  What I should do is quad strengthening and buy a proper brace.

Reason 2: I have gained weight in my running-free year and there is so much jiggling that it is discouraging.
Ha!  All the more reason I should be hitting the pavement.

Reason 3: I'm so tired from work that I don't want to lose the sleep in the morning or go after.
This is crap because I know that my energy levels increase when I'm exercising.  I know this as fact yet still, it is so much easier to hit the snooze button rather than put on my running shoes and head out the door.

It makes me want to kick myself.  I know that I will feel better and look better if I start running and yet.  Last Saturday, I wrote out five goals for the week in my journal.  They were:

  • Start running
  • Write 3 blog entries
  • Make 1 new recipe
  • Organize my closet
  • Make an April budget
So far I have done...none...of those things but I swear, I will run on Saturday.